Sir Lazer Lot arrived, and several hours of play were had with him. The SpartanSmurf #2 carried him places, and one fateful day decided to take him to school.
Now there was a thief committing thievery in those days. And in fact, two Ninja Turtles had been stolen from his book bag already. And Sir Lazer Lot was next. So that makes two kids who thought he was swell.
(This thief was eventually caught. But her (that's right, her) stolen items were never recovered, and so the SpartanSmurf remained brokenhearted and forever longing for him still. He got other MOTUC characters...Flipshot, Faceless One, etc. But one day he told me that he didn't play with them that much because they reminded him of Sir Lazer Lot and what happened. Heartbreaking to hear this from an eight year old.
All of this came to a change yesterday, however! When at the Barnyard Fleamarket in Greer, SC, we happened upon a toy vendor who sold tons of He-Man items. I daresay I shall return! One of the items on the wall was....SIR LAZER LOT! So now, we have one that I can review, and the joy of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe has returned to the children in the SpartanNerd household.
Sir Lazer Lot came in the regular package.
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This is quite odd. I did some searching. Nowhere does SLL have furry shorts except in this picture on the back of the card.. |
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A close-up of that bio, if you care. |
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Here is a charging pose. The Laser sword is pretty cool. And I like the tribal design on the shield. |
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The other accessory is what I call a big sucker. It looks like a spiky lollipop. It is supposed to be a laser mace.... SLL has the problem that Marvel Select Thor has. His weapon wants to slide down.. If he holds the bottom, it doesn't look right. |
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I managed to capture it sliding down in his hand.... |
As a MOTUC figure, this guy is shaky. And he shouldn't have been put out to honor the Masters of the Universe 25th anniversary. The Castle Grayskull should have been what they put out. Instead, you paid as much for the six figures that you probably didn't want half of, and paid around $300 anyways. We could have got Draego Man some other way, he is so cool, and we probably would have. We would have got Photog too, and also Castle Grayskull Man could have still been made. But SLL, Mighty Spector, and Cy-Chop were kind of duds IMHO.
BUT.......Remember what I said at the beginning. Sir Lazer Lot appeals to kids. Guess what, SpartanSmurf #2 also said he wants Mighty Spector. What can I say. If Masters of the Universe is to live on with people younger than 30 years old, then it is going to have to make some headway with the children. It is going to have to anchor in their hearts the way it has mine and the many other MOTU fans.
New Media, appropriate for the kids is needed here. There needs to be a cartoon. There needs to be a video game. There needs to be a movie. I have definite opinions about these. And the media today isn't kid-friendly. (For the most part I haven't allowed my kids to read the new MOTU comics. The oldest kid can handle it, but not the younger.)
Major nerd tangent alert!
So SLL appeals to kids. And that is what's important. I wish more kids could see him. And want him. I wish there was a CGI cartoon featuring his adventures. I wish there was a video game where he gets to slay dragons on the scale of Draego Man, or even Granymyr. In short. He gets a 4/5 for this potential. He is solid as an action figure. It is a stretch to make him a He-Man and the MOTU figure. But he is. And he does belong with Stinkor and Snout Spout. I think I'll take another point, because we saw that Geoff Johns had designed a non-helmeted head in the comic, that we did not get here, and that was an African-America styled head at that. So another ding.
My final rating is 3/5. He is solid as a figure, and makes me dream of MOTU's future. But we didn't get his awesome black unhelmeted head, and he doesn't necessarily fit with everyone else. What is your opinion, oh Hub City Geeks? Comment!
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