Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Pandora #1, #2, and #3 comics review

When I signed up at the Tangled Web to get most of the Justice League Trinity War crossover stories, I hesitated on a couple of titles....One was Pandora,  I'm glad I went ahead and ordered it

Pandora was first introduced to us back in the first few issues of Justice League as their backup stories.  I spent my time scratching my head....Who was this, and why did I care?  Remember, I was new to DC, pretty much.  Then things got worse with Justice League, showcasing Cheezeball Shazam each month.

It's a good thing I have been reading the JLA stories as well....There are a lot of tie-ins.

The puzzle of Pandora is why I hesitated....But she has turned out to be a really cool character.  She is an immortal, an idea that I did not know about, but apparently there are more immortals out there in the DC universe.

So Pandora feels she needs to open the box.  In this story, Pandora's Box appears to be an alien skull, covered in gold and bearing a third eye in the middle of its head.

The box seems to possess people who touch it, and they turn evil, but it wears off after they drop the box.  People as "good" as Superman and Wonder Woman.  On the other hand, it makes Vandal Savage (another immortal) the point of crying.

Without giving away too many plot points, Pandora is on a quest to kill the seven deadly sins, who are spirits guiding humanity in evil throughout history.  For thousands of years, she's not been able to slay them.  Not even hurt them.  And they call her mother, which has to be bad.

One cool thing she is doing is having a weapons maker inscribe runes and stuff on her guns.  I GUESS the idea is to enchant the weapons so they can kill the spirits.  It seems to be pointless though....another example of her failure.

So she released the sins, (who killed her tribe), became cursed and immortal, and flounders in trying to stop the sins, then trains to try and fight them or even kill them....Her whole life seems to be a failure.

Which is why I think I am rooting for her.

What do you think?  Comment people...I have some stuff to give away!

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