Thursday, December 12, 2013

Masters of the Universe Classics Unboxing and Review....The Griffin!

Remember my review of Megator?

Well I think I have an even more impressive figure to review, now!  The GRIFFIN!

The Griffin is AMAZING!  Who would have thought we could get this?  And it seems very calculated as well, being an amalgamation of Battle Cat and Swift Wind.

In the Mike Young cartoon, griffins were the bad guy's main mode of escape.  They would start to lose, and the griffins would swoop in and grab the villains and take them to safety.

This creature absolutely fits in my nerd closet with the Magic cards and other stuff like that.  I'd bet I have several dozen Griffin Magic cards...

When I first saw the Griffin, I thought, "Do I really want that?"  Then I got Vikor, and thought, "The Griffin would be a great ride for Vikor."  It didn't take too long for me to figure out, Vikor isn't riding any steed, with that loincloth.  But it was worth a try.

I got the Griffin as a part of the Cyber Monday sale, as mentioned on the Groovy Dork List.  And am I glad I did!  This figure is the most impressive figure I may own!

He came in this big box.  It is so big, I decided to use it as a background!

Here he is in his ugliness!  Awesome ugliness at that!

When you take him out of the box, you see that you have to assemble the wings to his body.

Here he is, ready to fly!

Don't call him four-eyes!

He has a double tail...the kind of thing that was favored on the MYP show.

I don't own a Beast-Man, so Spikor will have to do.  Ugly riding Ugly!

I dreamed of putting Vikor on the Griffin.  Alas, his loincloth was too much.
Even with the saddle off.  This was the best I could do.  It kind of looks like
Vikor is going to slay him in this picture...

You can see that he has a cool mane.  His backside is just the Battle-Cat buck, with chicken feet.

What do Griffin's eat?  Temple of Darkness Zoar!  (not included of course)

Here is an overhead shot.  This figure is HUGE!
I give the Griffin a 5/5!  He is solid.  Huge.  Fits in most contexts.  Ugly in a beautiful way.  He is one of the best figures I own as far as sculpt, displayability, playability, and on and on!

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